Year 6

Hello and Welcome to Year 6! 

In Year 6, we are taught by Miss Hetherington and Miss Slater. Supporting us in class are Mrs Purvis and Mr Scott.

Spring Term 2024

We are so excited to start the spring term!
In Science, we are going to be learning about animals including humans where we will explore the work of scientists and scientific research about the relationship between diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle and
health. We have some very exciting and interesting investigations planned!
In History, our topic is going to be ‘Medicine across the ages’. We are going to use a range of sources to explore how health care has changed and improved throughout the years as well as learning about different viruses and diseases that have spread. We will also explore many key individuals who contributed to the history of medicine in Britain (and globally) from ancient times through to the modern day.
In our art lessons, we are going to be studying the renowned artist Frida Kahlo and will be recreating some of her work using collage.
In our music lessons we are looking forward to drumming using chairs and chopsticks! In computing lessons we will be looking at making our own blogs as well as analysing and making spreadsheets.
We are also very excited for our PE lessons where we are going to be developing our skills in basketball, dance and swimming.
We can’t wait to share our learning with you so keep an eye on the ‘Look what we’ve been up to’ page for photographs! 

Dates for your diary

diary pic

The Key Stage 2 SATs are timetabled from Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024.

Monday 13th May
English paper 1: SPAG test (grammar and punctuation)
English paper 2: SPAG test (spelling)

Tuesday 14th May
English paper 3: Reading test

Wednesday 15th May
Maths paper 1: arithmetic
Maths paper 2: reasoning

Thursday 16th May
Maths paper 3: reasoning



 Homework pic for website

Homework is given out on a Monday and should be returned to school on a Friday. Children should complete their homework over the week and if there are any issues or anyone is struggling, staff are on hand throughout the week to support where needed.

Spellings are given out every week on Monday to learn for a quiz on a Friday.

All children are expected to practise their times tables using Times Tables Rockstars – all children have been given their username and password.


Pe pic for web

This term, year 6’s PE slot is on a Friday afternoon. Please make sure your child has a white PE top, blue PE shorts and  trainers  in school with them on this day. Children may go outside for PE lessons so can also bring a sensible sports hoodie into school to wear if needed. 

Home Reader

reading pic

It is expected for children to read at home every evening. Children should return their book to school daily, so they have the opportunity to read with adults in school. When children have completed a book, they will be able to complete a quiz in school based on the book they have read. These results will be recorded in your child’s home reader. Points and prizes will  be awarded for completing quizzes. Children who are unable to read at home will be given the opportunity to read in school if books are not returned. Please feel free to see us or write in your child’s Home-School Contact Book if there are any issues. It is essential that home and school communicate effectively, working together to ensure your child receives the very best from school. 

Children have an Accelerated Reader password and user name. Use this link to access the quizzes!

Useful Websites


Use the links below to help you keep up to date with your child’s learning:


BBC Bitesize

Hit the Button

Here are some websites our Year 6 pupils might find useful:


The English area of the Bitesize website is packed with activities and questions to help you prepare for the National Tests in English.

These revision pages have been put together by Woodlands Junior School to help students with their revision.

You might like to try some spelling practise on this BBC spelling site


Get your head around addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Take a visit to Gere’s Bike Shop and help them read their graphs and charts. Practise working out the mode, median and mean for a set of numbers. Take a look at time, mass and capacity. Investigate the properties of different shapes. Get your brain ticking with some mental maths questions.

Practise your tables on times tables rockstars:

Woodlands Junior School has several fun online interactive activities to help not only improve your mental maths skills, but also to help you with SATs Revision too!

This website has lots of fun maths games:

Home learning 

Here are some documents to support your child’s learning at home:

Non-screen_activities_-_from_Pobble (1)

KS2 home activiites