Year 5

Hello and Welcome to Year 5!

In Year 5, we are taught by Mrs Barker, Mrs Beresford and Miss Forster.

Mrs Purvis and Mr Scott also support us in class.

Summer Term

We are so excited to start the summer term!  You have all worked so hard this year already and we can’t wait to see what super work you produce this term!

This term we will be studying the Anglo Saxons and Vikings in History.  We are so excited to share this topic with you!  In science, we will be learning all about Living Things and Their Habitats and then Animals including humans.  Our geography topic later in the term will be all about ‘The Coast’.  We will learn all about coastal features and how we can help protect it from erosion. We will complete our topic with a visit to the local coastline to see some of the amazing features and take our own landscape photos! Our art lessons will be focusing on digital art through photography!  We will be looking at framing shots, light and shadow, editing photos and many other skills.  In DT, we will be putting our sewing skills to the test! We are also very excited for our PE lessons where we are going to be developing our skills in Athletics and Outdoor Adventurous Activities.

Upcoming Dates for your diary

diary pic

Summer 1 begins – Monday 15th April

Year 5 Swimming continues this term


Homework pic for website

– Maths and literacy homework will be given out every Monday and is due back the following Monday. Homework will be linked to what the children are doing in school.

– Weekly spelling lists will be given out on a Monday for children to practise for a spelling quiz on Friday.

– All children are expected to practise their times tables using Times Tables Rockstars – all children have been given their username and password.

– Children will also be given a homework grid with suggested homework activities and should look to complete 1 per week. Points will be given for these pieces of homework and at the end of the half term, points will be totalled and prizes will be given for those children with the highest points.


Pe pic for web

Year 5 P.E will take place on a Tuesday. To participate fully in PE, children will need: a white t-shirt, blue shorts and a pair of plimsolls/ trainers.

Year 5 will continue swimming this term.  Every Friday, they will need a swimming costume/trunks, towel.  Optional – goggles, swim hat.  Those with long hair must have it tied up.

As the weather improves, we will hopefully be outside more.  Please ensure your has trainers and their school PE kit.

Home Reader

reading pic

It is expected for children to read at home every evening. Children should return their book to school daily, so they have the opportunity to read with adults in school. When children have completed a book, they will be able to complete a quiz in school based on the book they have read. These results will be recorded in your child’s home reader. Points and prizes will  be awarded for completing quizzes. Children who are unable to read at home will be given the opportunity to read in school if books are not returned. Please feel free to see us or write in your child’s Home-School Contact Book if there are any issues. It is essential that home and school communicate effectively, working together to ensure your child receives the very best from school. 

Children have an Accelerated Reader password and user name. Use this link to access the quizzes!

Useful Websites


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