Our Vision and Values

Learning: creativity, challenging and inspiring

Teamwork: working together, working as community and creating opportunities

Pride: in our community, in ourselves and each other

Caring: nurturing, supporting and friendship

Respect: valuing each other, embracing differences and celebrating individuality

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Southwick Community Primary School aims to:

  • Create an interesting and stimulating environment that reflects our values and promotes a sense of community as well as an individual sense of self-worth;
  • Develop a culture of challenge and high expectation to maximise individual potential;
  • Develop a community of life-long learners who understand that knowledge is a right for all and a recognised achievement;
  • Provide learning experiences that will allow all pupils equal opportunities to develop their thinking and creative skills;
  • Promote social, cultural, moral and spiritual development and prepare pupils to be responsible citizens;
  • Encourage the partnership with parents/carers and foster positive links with the community.

Here at Southwick Primary we continue to support the mental health of everyone in school . We know children cannot access learning for many reasons and arm the children with many tools to recognise how they are feeling and what they can do to get themselves ready for learning. We use Jigsaw’s PSHE and Health and Well-being whole school approach.

Jigsaw is a unique, spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work, aiming to prepare children/young people for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. It underpins our whole school ethos and is promoted by all staff and Governors.

What do our children think about our Jigsaw lessons?

“I like our lessons because we talk about lots of different things like how to make friends and how it is good to be different.” Logan Year 6.

“We do Jigsaw so we can make the whole school better by knowing everyone is different. I love how we calm down at the start of the lesson and practise our breathing. ” Zachary Year 5

“I think it’s really nice as we get to be calm and we learn about mindfulness and meditation. We love the characters for each year group too. We do lots of drawing in the lessons and get to talk about how we feel. I wouldn’t change anything as I think it’s great!” Lilley, Year 6

Ready to learn…

Here at Southwick, we use the Zones of Regulation to equip our children with the ability to recognise their feelings, notice what is going on in their bodies and developed a range of strategies they can use to self-regulate. Our children know that they are only able to learn when they are in the green zone and they each have a toolkit of strategies they can use to help them get back to green if they are in any other zone. All staff have worked extremely hard to embed the principals and arm the children of Southwick with strategies to help calm or motivate them, to always maximise their ability to self-regulate and be able to learn.

What do our children say about The Zones of Regulation?

“I use Stop, Opt and Go to help my friends think and stop if they are in the red zone. I like the zones because they help people calm down or wake up if they are in the blue. We have different things we can do with our teacher to help us calm down or wake up and get us back to green.” Kenzie Year 6