Rewards 8th October 2021

We have enjoyed World Space Week in school this week and learned all about important women in this field. We have also looked at Mars and the current Perseverance Rover program. There has been lots of wonderful activities happening this week-school has been a hive of activity! Today was also Hello yellow Day where we raised money for the mental health charity Young Minds-thank you to all of our families for their generosity and a big thank you to Eden Sampson’s mam for making hundreds of worry worms which sold like hot cakes and raised a lot for the charity!

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Bella Stead, this is for your excellent cutting skills when making your Mars rocket! Well done, Bella! Lilly-Rose Harding, this certificate is for all of the facts that you have remembered from Space Week-you are a star! Lucas Jones, this is for your wonderful counting backwards when launching your rocket-well done, Lucas! Maddison Hall, you always try your best in everything you do-what an amazing attitude-well done, Maddison!

Year 1: Lincoln Percy, you have been an amazing friend to everyone this week-thank you Lincoln! Birsen Aksoy, you have used a number line brilliantly this week when finding one more and one less-what a star you are! Benjamin Knowles, you have had such a calm and amazing week and used all of your regulation techniques brilliantly! Well done, Benjamin!

Year 2: Lily Shakesby, your resilience this week has been amazing-you never gave up when anything seemed hard-you are a star! Aleksy Staniszewski, you wrote a fantastic fact file about Helen Sharman-it was brilliant! Well done!

Year 3: Lucas Lawson-Sykes, you have been a sensational singer this week and you’ll make a wonderful addition to our school choir-well done, Lucas! Ella Jenkins, your outstanding effort with Times Tables Rockstars this week has been brilliant! We are so proud of the effort you have shown, well done, Ella!

Year 4, Riley Foot, this is for simply being you! You are a kind, hardworking and helpful boy who gives 100% in all aspects of school life-thank you, Riley! Dzesika Barkevica, you wrote a fantastic diary entry this week that made us all so very proud! Well done, Dzesika!

Year 5: Jasie-Leigh Roberts, this is for showing great resilience in maths when rounding-you never gave up and were amazing! Well done, Jasie-Leigh! Jessica Callaghan, this is for your hard work and attitude in all areas of the curriculum this week-you are an absolute star! Well done, Jessica! Harley Leadbitter, this is for simply being you! You always try your best in all subjects and love to learn-what a star Harley!

Year 6: Max Dombkowski, this is for being you Max-you are an amazing young man and a credit to yourself and our school! Well done, Max! Sophia Robinson, this is for your fantastic contributions in maths this week. It is great to see your confidence grow-keep believing in yourself! Eden Sampson, you have worked really hard in all lessons and you have really impressed us with your reading skills! Well done, Eden!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to care about other people’s feelings. We are a very caring bunch and had lots to say on this important theme!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Holden Wilson, you always think very carefully about your friends’ feelings-you are a star!

Year 1: Spencer King, you always ask your friends how they are and show that you really care! Well done, Spencer! Emily Cruickshanks, you treat everyone with kindness and respect! Well done, Emily! Miles McBurnie, you always look after your friends and you are always kind to others-well done, Miles!

Year 2: Mia Pearson, you helped others when they were in the blue zone and got them back to green-what a star you are! Broden Newton, you always think about how others are feeling-you are a true friend!

Year 3: Charlie James, you are a wonderful role model to others when showing your friends how to support each other! Well done, Charlie! Conal Murphy, you are great at recognising when your friends need support! What a great skill Conal!

Year 4: Zachary Clark, you understand how your actions can affect other people’s feelings! What a star you are Zachary! Larna Scott, you always think about how other people are feeling and always put others first-well done, Larna!

Year 5: Kenzie Phillips, you are such a supportive member of our school who thinks about how your words and actions affect others-you are amazing Kenzie! Usha Quinn-Tayo, you are such a good friend and always look after anyone who may be upset-thank you Usha! Bayley Galer, you are such a kind and caring friend who loves to help others-what a star you are Bayley! Lexie Johnson, you are such a caring young lady and you always take care of everyone! Well done, Lexie!

Year 6: Marcus Anderson, you are one of the kindest and most considerate members of our school-you are a wonderful human being and we are lucky to have you! Well done, Marcus! Jaycie-Leigh Conlon, you are always kind and respectful to everyone, you are a credit to our school. Well done, jaycie-Leigh!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Marcus Anderson-your art that you did at home knocked Mr Robson’s socks off! It is so realistic that we kept thinking there was a huge spider on the loose! It is wonderful to see you working hard outside of school too-well done, Marcus!

Ellie Taylor and Henry Gowland-you two have amazed Mr Robson with your presentation and handwriting this week-so much so that you have both received your pen license! Well done!

World Space Week

This week we have been taking part in learning about women in space and Mars. We have all worked so hard and have produced some fantastic work-both at home and in school! Mrs Barker has been so impressed she made certificates and the winners are: Ahmed Aldiri, Rio Archer, Jesse Bretwood, Marshall Richardson, Jenson Bates-Whitfield, Kayden Butler, Kasey-Ann Swalwell, Masie-Jo Reaper, Lilly-Mae, Harper Ditch, Sofia Ball, Frazer Brown, Henry Gowland, Bailey Hall and Luke Stothard. You were all amazing-well done to our winners!

Some of our children worked really hard at home and received a prize for their efforts too-well done winners!


This week’s winners were Class 10 with 96.8%! Not only have you got your name on the trophy, you also got to enjoy hot chocolate and biscuits in the hall with Mr Robson-well done Class 10!


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